The exchange of information on the socio-economic development of the two communities, particularly in the field of administrative services, agriculture, education and health.
To direct contacts between businesses, organizations, institutions and citizens.
Stages of the projects
June 2007. Sending of materials, equipment (including an operating table and a scialytic lamp) and an ambulance for the Chake Chake hospital, and educational material for schools.
September–December 2007. Training of two local electricians by the team of four electricians from Trentino who had been sent to Pemba to refurbish the electrical system of the Public Health Laboratory Ivo de Carneri.
February–April 2008. Training of two young African veterinarians in animal breeding, through a three-month training period in Trentino.
February 2008. Restructuring (canteen and kitchen) of Madungu primary school, which was in a state of severe degradation. Since July 2008 the children have been attending the remodeled structure.
December 2009. Launching of the “Training in cattle breeding phase 2” and the “A goat for less fortunate women” projects (consult the individual projects for additional details).
February 2010. Sending of materials and equipment for the cattle breeding project, for Chake Chake and Vitongoji hospitals, for Gombani Clinic as well as educational materials for Madungu and Michakaini schools.
May 2011. Sending of materials and equipment for the Chake Chake and Vitongoji hospitals and Gombani Clinic, as well as educational materials for Madungu and Michakaini schools.

On 26 October 2004, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Foundation Ivo de Carneri non-profit organization was signed in Cles agreement that marked the start of the twinning between the town of Cles, where the foundation is rooted since its inception, and the District Chake Chake in Pemba. Signatories to the agreement were the mayor of Cles, George Osele, and the District Commissioner in Pemba, Seif Mohamed Shaaban. The delegation of Pemba was also composed by Dr. Uledi Kisumku, representing the Ministry of Health, and Yahya al Sawafy, representing the local community.