Fondazione Ivo de Carneri ETS > Our work > International Cooperation > Culture and society

Culture and society

One of the Foundation’s main goals is to spark a greater understanding of the social impact of disease. As one of the Foudnation’s slogans states, “Know how to give is giving knowledge”, and the best way to give life to such a slogan is through a cultural intitiative; thus was born the bookseries Collana Fronteretro. 

La Collana Fronteretro, promoted by the Ivo de Carneri Foundation and published by La Vita Felice, discusses the great diseases that, over the course of the centuries, have affected populations throughout the world. Doctors, biologists, politicians, historians, academics, and journalists became the protagonists of the fight against such diseases, interpreting the contemporary social unrest and proposing solutions that would allow disease to become stimulus for progress. With this series, our aim is to bring attention to oft-forgotten problems through the re-discovery of classic literature and authors.

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