Pemba Island
To sustain the work of a local surgeon from Zanzibar while awaiting the return of the medical assistant in training. For one year the hospital has guaranteed a good service in the department of surgery, and patients from other districts have also come to Chake Chake Hospital for the professionalism and competencies demonstrated by the selected physician. Without the support of the Foundation the surgeon would be forced to return to Unguja (the major island of the Zanzibar archipelago), where a combination of public and private activities would allow him to sustain himself. On Pemba Island, this is still impossible.To send expatriate surgeons for short periods of time with the objective of training and performing a major surgical interventions. During their stay, the surgeons will be working side-by-side with the local healthcare team, whose competencies will be developed through training in the field.
5 years (2010-2014)
€ 150.000 approximately (30.000 euro for year)
- Collaboration with Amici del Mondo World Friends Onlus
- Private donors
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Project of support to the surgical ward of the hospital in Chake Chake.
For about three years (2005 - 2007) there was a vacancy in the position of general surgeon previously covered by a Russian surgeon funded by the UNDP (United Nations Development Fund). To address this situation with a catchment area of almost 300,000 patients without this figure, the Foundation Ivo de Carneri non-profit organization has launched a first draft submission on-site surgery with Italian general surgeons and the refurbishment of the premises.During this period the Italian surgeons have joined the local healthcare staff and transferred competence to perform basic interventions. On the basis of a widely discussed with representatives of the Ministry of Health of Zanzibar has been identified a Medical Assistant particularly capable, dedicated and motivated to start studies in medicine and surgery at the University of Dar es Salaam the course of study lasting five years). After completing his studies in 2014, he will resume operations at the Hospital of Chake Chake. At the same time, the Foundation, in collaboration with the NGO a World Friends Onlus, supports the work of a surgeon.

The project stems from the direct evidence of a serious failure in assisting the surgical community on the island of Pemba for lack of medical personnel in the main hospital in Chake Chake, capital of the island, which has a catchment area of approximately 80,000 people for a capacity of 143 beds. It offers a service for both outpatient hospitalization, with an average of 75 visits and hospitalizations per 15-25 days, with fluctuations and peaks during the rainy season.One of the most significant problems encountered in the health care system in Zanzibar, as well as the shortcomings of infrastructure, often old and worn, is the lack of the qualified health personnel (doctors and paramedics). This deficiency affects Pemba even more, the smaller of the two main islands that make up the archipelago of Zanzibar, which can count on the presence of only one local doctor (for an estimated population of about 500,000 inhabitants), and therefore must resort to foreign doctors expatriates.